Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Drop a line to Jan!

Happy New Year to each and everyone!

Would you drop a line to Jan next time you read this blog?
It will tell Jan that although she is not seen around often, you still think of her a lot.

If you wish to send her an email use her new address:



PS: Ah! don't foget to write your email or phone number -if they have changed- for her new address book.


orestn said...

Hurray, I get to be the first one to comment on this page! It was good to see you on New Year's Eve. I hope you enjoyed the take-out bowl of ice cream (I'll need to get the spoon back).

FC said...


!!About a special someone!!

Now this story is not like any other story you may here. The story is about courage, strength, but most of all hope. It all started when I was born, Sara Milligan, but this story isn't about me.. its all about my aunt, Jan Walton now my life was pretty normal, like another girl in the world. but I had one thing that nobody in the world could ever have, I had the greatest aunt ever. her hair was always done a Verine funky way and her clothes were always different and exciting. She was out going, loving and most of all happy, well most of the time that is. she had the nicest smile, greatest singing voice and humor. I had a bond with her like no other person in my family. We would go second hand shopping AKA Sally shopping! She taught me how to bake and we would make crafts for hours. Just the two of us. We would stay up way past my bed time and watch movies and drink tea. When i went for visits with her we always did fun things, she would take me to concerts. The one time i remember is when she took me to a jazz concert at the humming bird center in Toronto. It was one of the greatest times of my life. That night was magical, and not because of the concert, but of what happened before and after the concert. We had stopped for something to eat in a plaza, and we saw a lady sitting in between the doors. My aunt stopped and started to talk to her. I was waiting outside with my uncle. Then she came outside after the talk with this woman. I noticed her necklace was gone that she had been wearing, She said the lady had lost her job and her house a while back and had to have her baby on the street and that she had a son but he would have nothing to do with her. She had spotted my aunts necklace and told her she had one a lot like it before but it got caught in a fence and broke and ever since she had been lost without it. I saw my aunt lean over and put the necklace around her neck. It was the most wonderful experience. I felt so honored to be called her niece. After the concert we were walking to the car, and you don't usually see the same person twice in Toronto, but crossing the street was the same lady that my aunt had given her necklace too. She saw us and a huge smile came across her face. She walked up to us and told us how her day had been going really bad but when she met my aunt and she gave her the necklace her day had been changed around. That was a night in my life i will never forget. As you may see my aunt is a wonderful person, with a great personality and caring spirit, kind downhearted your probably asking yourselves, why would she write about this?!. Well last year on Friday February 10th an aneurysm burst in Jan’s headship was getting ready for a 80s dance at her local church with her husband Feddie. Trying on different funky 80s clothes and trying to figure out how to do there hair for it. Then she got a massive head ache that just hurt so much she was forced onto her knees. then it happened. As Fedie called an ambulance the last words she spoke to him were "god help us". They rushed her to Sunnybrooke hospital in Toronto as she was in critical care I was at a school dance with some friends. My dad picked me up after the dance, witch was weird because its always my mom that does. As i got into the car i could tell something was wrong. he explained that my mom had gone to Toronto because my aunt had had an aneurysm At that point i had no idea that from that night on my life would be changed forever. I didn't no how serious it was until my mom called from the hospital and told me she might not make it. She told me auntie Janice was in surgery but that they might not be able to save her. I was in shock. Thinking that i may never be able to talk to her again. I was so mad at my mom for not picking me up from the dance and taking me with her to the hospital. But there was nothing i could do. The next morning my mom called and said she made it through surgery but now she was in a coma. We went down to see her that day and it was so hard for me to face the fact that this had actually all happened to my favorite aunt of all time. Just thinking i may never have another day with her hurt me deeply. The hospital staff had said only two people at a time to go in a see her as there was viruses going around. my mom and me went in first. Before we went in my uncle wanted me to no that she didn't look the same and that it may be a little bit of a shock. As i walked in the intensive care unit. I was holding back tears. But as soon as I saw her i started to cry, She lay there almost lifeless. My mom started to cry as well, We talked to her for a while but then had to leave so my brother could see her too. As i sat in the waiting room wholly my mom was in with my brother I couldn't stop crying. It had just hit me of how serious this really was. The thing i remember the most about that time was, my uncle Feddie coming over with a bag of baby carrots and he asked me if i wanted one. He said it helped with the tears. So I took a couple, he made me smile just a little. She was in a comma for about tree weeks and through that period nobody knew what would happen, we were all prepared for the worst, But one day she squeezed uncle Feddie’s hand and everyone was excited about this good news. Tho she still wasn't really back with us this was a big improvement! From then on she was getting better. She was moved shortly after she came out of the a coma into the intensive care unit. I went to see her for the first time since she was in the a coma, As me and my mom walked in she was awake. But she only had one eye that opened at this point. She couldn't talk to us but she could hear us and smile. I talked to her about different things, about going sally shopping together again. When it was time for us to go we said our goodbyes and i almost started to cry. She was getting a lot better but it hurt to see her like that. After a while they moved her to a normal hospital room. We went to see her regularly and every time i saw her she had improved, even if it was only a little bit. sometimes she was having a good day but other times it just wasn't her best. Later she got to go home from the hospital and she got out-patient therapy. I still wasn't sure if she would ever be the same tho’, if we would ever get to go sally shopping and go for bike rides and make crafts. I was so happy that she was getting better but I still feared like she would never be the same again. Its almost been a year now that this all happened, Auntie Janice has been strong and has never given up, tho’ sometimes she feels there’s no use, she never gives up!! We had Christmas with them this year just like any other year, and i thought she hadn't remembered my nickname she gave me since i can remember. But then she called me "sassa" at Christmas and i couldn't believe it. I was so happy. From that moment on I knew she was going to get better, that she was going to get better and that we would have fun times again. Her speech still isn't all better yet but its coming along good and she can walk better then ever now! So if anyone out there thinks there’s no hope for things in life you are so wrong!, Just look at what’s happened to my aunt, she lived through this brain hemorrhage and she’s still striving to get back to the way she was. Even through the rough times she keeps pushing forward, never stopping for one minute. She is a walking miracle in my eyes, If it were me this happened to i don't think i could be as strong as she is. I still wander if that ladie called her son or if she got a home for her baby and if she ever thinks about my aunt anymore. I no that Jan made a big difference in her life as she has in mine and in everyone else's that knows her. I don't think people will ever forget about the fight to save her own life, that she has been battling constantly with seizures, she never gives up!! She is my life long role model, She’s taught me so much and more do i still have to learn from her. I think about her everyday. I have a necklace from her i wear around my neck to remind me that she’s always with me. I'm still waiting for the day that we will once again have our times together. Ill never give up on her because she has never given up on me, or the world. Still praying for you and thinking of you always, Your favorite niece. I love you so much