Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Caregiving as healing

The role of care-giver has been traditionally assigned to the health professionals that care for someone as long as this person is receiving some form of institutional health care. Only very recently, the care-giving provided by family members has began to be taken into account, but even then, it is seen only as providing ancillary services to the patient, especially when the patient has been sent home after a stay in a hospital.

Health professionals bring their knowledge and apply it to the patient, hoping to provide in most cases some healing or rehabilitation. But regardless of how well a patient is sent home, there is the loved one [...]

"Healing is the result of love. It is a function of love. Wherever there is love, there is healing. And wherever there is no love, there is precious little -if any- healing" wrote M. S. Peck (p.44, The People of the Lie, 1983).

I often wonder how much of Jan's healing -about which which all health professionals have confessed to not know how Jan's brain does it- is related to the loving care she has received from friends and family, independently from all the medical treatments to which she has been subjected.


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