Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Reality Check

It's been a week since the surgery. times is totally liquid. Jan was sent home last Friday. The medical staff felt she was stable enough and demand for beds was high. She has this hairdo as a result of the surgery that I am sure is the envy of teenagers, besides, for a short time Jan has more metal on her head than some youth who carry rings in every possible place on their faces. But she is happy that this surgery is over. We had been waiting for it for over a year, so you can imagine the relief.

She has good days and days not so good. Most of her energy seems to be taken by the healing. She has to face pain constantly, and the inconvenience of having to be extra careful with the 20cm. of scar and staples. She slept most of the day yesterday, feeling with no energy or desire to do anything else. Today, she struggled with pain and the side effects of her medication. And this seems to be the pattern for the next few weeks.

Yesterday morning she woke up with a swollen head. there was an excess of fluid on the left side. She felt lousy, but when I suggested that we should go to emergency she refused vehemently. We know what it would be like: to wait for at least 6 hours before an MD comes to see her. She felt faint but decided to rest instead. By the afternoon the sweling had receded and she was a lot better.

Keep her in your prayers. For a safe healing of this wound. For strength to go through the process. For pain relief. For hope that her neurologist finds a good medication that Jan can tolerate. For better communication and patience.

Here Jan' new look:


1 comment:

Unknown said...

"I wish I had a husband that....WASN'T SO SELF-ABSORBED..."

"I wish I had a husband that...WASN'T SO PRECIOUS...."

"I wish I had a husband that...KNEW HOW TO SPELL"

"I wish I had a husband....PERIOD"