Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Jan migrated to D5

Mom and I came to visit Jan and had a good lunch (she ate half of my lunch and tried to share half of the hospital version of her lunch). Louise and Sara came later and when we were in the middle of the visit, Jan was moved to D5. We say the familiar hallway, familiar faces, and to our surprise, there we saw Renat, the wonderful social worker from this unit. She came right along to greet Jan and recall the weeks Jan was here last year after the major surgery. In total, Jan was at this hospital for about 6 weeks, so we got to know the nurses, social workers and therapists. It is a strange feeling to feel we are coming back to a familiar place, but at the same time acknowledge that this is the kind of place one would want to spend the least amount of time possible.

At lunch, I ran into the plastic surgeon in one of the hallways. He was very pleased with the operation and said that if she continues this rate of progress, she may be sent home as early as tomorrow.

Jan's right side is weaker than it was a few weeks ago. It may be the pills or just the effects of the surgery. Her face is becoming a bit swollen from all the fluids draining down from the head. The doctor said it would be a matter of days before everything goes back to normal.

Stay tuned,


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