Wednesday, December 24, 2008

No More Gloom!

No more gloom! ...a light has us a child is born!!! (Isa.9:1-7), the preacher read with passion, in direct competition with the myriad voices and songs flooding us this season.

Imagine -he said- if this passage from Isaiah filled the headlines and the prime-time news, the same that have convinced us that we are in for a spin, a slow down, a depression of the economy that should also depress us psychologically.

The original audience of Isaiah had reason to feel gloomy. Theirs was a failed nation about to be sent into exile. Yet, in the middle of all this hopelessness and despair, the Lord announces a rescue plan -not like the one being cooked for Wall Street or the auto industry. (We were at a Christmas concert put together by a small neighbourhood church in the west-most suburbs of the city.)

This rescue plan is for total change. This is a transformation from the inside out. This is a plan to rescue us from our own darkness that has spread to the whole creation, a rescue plan that would cost a precious life. This unique life began as a small light, the size of a baby born to a young woman in a stable... This life

I had enough losses over the past 34 months to feel gloomy for a life time. However, I choose to feel thankful, to let that light come into my darkness and change it from the inside out.

My struggle is fought on a day to day basis, where the remnants of my shadow insinuate me to fall into despair, doubt, hopelessness, feeling victimized and powerless, fill my heart with fear and desire to escape. Here is where I take a stand for light and the beautiful life it reveals.

Would you join me in this celebration of light of life?


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