Friday, August 25, 2006


Dear Jan

I don't know with all certainty how much of your short term memory is still in the making. In the big picture is not really important, because this gives you the chance to really start with a blank slate every day. No memories, no regrets, no sadness, no losses, just hope for what the day will bring. What many consider a handicap for you it is a strength. You are a living paradox, like the paradoxical nature of The Kingdom., Every morning I find you to be in extraordinary circumstances with extraordinary strength and full of hope. You are truly blessed.

Yesterday we went to Burlington, to a lecture from Dr. Alex on glyconutrients. This physician had an aneurysm at 54, at the peak of his career. Then, lived disabled with 20% less of his brain for about 12 years feeling sorry for himself and giving up all hope that medicine would be able help him get better. Somehow, he was introduced to glyconutrients and his life and functions improved to the point where now he is an active adult with a full agenda and the physical condition of a man half his age. He went on for about 90 minutes giving ample evidence of the next paradigm shift in medicine to be brought about when glycoscience is better understood and adopted by alopaths. He was inspiring and sincere. Really sounded like a Don Quixote standing against the windmills of the Medicare establishment which is more concerned with dealing with illness and its symptoms rather than addressing the roots of these illness.

At the end of the almost two hours lecture, you were tired but mentioned in the car that you were feeling really excited for being able to accomplish this feat. Not only you followed the whole lecture, but also felt invigorated and validated in your hopes for a total recovery. Dr. Alex was a definite proof that you could come back and he represented for you a concrete example that it can be done. I shared your enthusiasm and also felt satisfied with the clarification of your objectives. Yes, you know how far you can go and you will do anything within your power to get there. This is the decisive Jan everyone knows.

Dr. Alex said glyconutrients are the next breakthrough in medicine. And he may be right, but it is a solution not within the reach of those who need it most. The supplements alone can cost a small fortune every year and their effects are slow. Moreover, their use is suggested for life.

Anyway, I like your take on this: it is God who will restore you, in the process he may use glyconutrients to regenerate the brain cells missing.

Bless your enthusiasm and joy.


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