Monday, June 05, 2006

Sunday Blog

Dear Jan,

How did we spent this Sunday?

It was a slow day with brunch at noon in a non-descript coffee joint. As you witnessed, I regreted for about 4 hours, drinking something that could wreck you car engine! But there is no one else to blame than myself for going with the coffee habit; Jan, you were wiser, and got bottled water which you shared with me.

We went for a drive house or appartment hunting around the Runnymede neighbourhood and did a pit-stop at Brenda and Jim. We were looking at streets and neighbouhoods. The maps can't give you this kind of first hand appreciation. We saw interesting properties and dreamt about living in community. We went to this particular brick home which somehow attracted us like a magnet. We asked for guidance and a clear indication if this was a "promised land". You were so happy visit homes and buildings.

On the way, we had a wonderful visit with Linda and then headed home. Jan, oyu were good throughout all this time. The nurse came to change your patch and take out every other staple from your head. Tomorrow she will come to take out the rest. Now, at last you will be able to grow your hair and comb it whichever way you want.

After supper, at 8:30pm you went to bed. I read today's page from Oswald meditations. Life seemed smooth, like the surface of a lake when there is no wind. You slept, I longed for my Sunday night group...


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