Monday, February 27, 2006

Right side, left side

Right side of the brain controls left side of the body.

By now I am sure most of you are familiar with the functioning of the brain, and the clinical description of a Sub-Arachnial Hemorrhage (SAH) in the Sylvian Fisure. The aneurysm occurred in the left side of Jan's brain. The left side of her body was mostly untouched, as soon as she began moving, she could handle with the left hand most tasks, and use her left foot to make her points very clear.

Well, Jan's right side is beginning to come back! She began moveng her right leg a couple of days ago and there is some movement in the right arm, but no fine movement in her right hand yet. She is also still looking in her brain for the gag reflex necessary to swallow. How much we can take for granted when we have these functions in our body. Because of not been able to swallow, she is fed by a tube, which she really dislikes. Several times she has taken the tube out of her nose and struggle with the nurse to keep it out. With no other options, her left hand was restrained (tied) to the side of the bed. Today, Sunday, the nurse told me Jan had "negotiated" with her not to take the tube if the nurse did not tape the tube to her cheek, instead, the tube was taped to her chin... When I saw Jan, she gave me a grin and a look as if to say "Oh, well, what do you expect..."

Several people came to see her and she was very responsive. She smiled and touched them. She responded to their questions with nods and smiles. At some point I showed her cards from her colleagues, she took them with her left hand. opened them and swept with her eyes from left to right each line...and smiled very pleased... was she reading? Did she understand? Only she could tell. I am caught between the doctor's parsimonious response that she doesn't know people and probably won't understand what is going on for the next two to threeweeks, and the wild hope that comes after seeing her do all these complex things. I decided to err on Jan's side, and believe that probaly she knows me when she smiles.

Today, her friends from the Sanctuary came and sang and prayed in the chapel. On Wedensday, Jan's friends from RUC will meet at 7PM to pray and sing. Please come and enjoy the mutual support of caring people.

Right now, in the ICU there is one nurse for 2 beds, qhen jan goes to the "floor" or the general area, there will be one nurse for every six beds. Today a fine lady offered the support of helping when Jan is moved to the general section to keep her company and make sure she is getting the care she needs. If you wish to plan to do something practical for Jan, please let us know and we will share with you the privilege of loving Jan by heling her in practical ways.

Keep bloging, and sending your love.


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