Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Sleeping beauty

Today was Jan's day off.

She was asleep in the morning when I arrived. She woke up just for a second and smiled. I asked her if she wanted to hear some music. She didn't reply. I put on a CD but she quickly told me: No, no! and went back to sleep. Well that was a short visit. I left comforted with the fact that she was sleeping well.

She seems to have slept most of the day. Good for her! I noticed a schedule of activities on the wall written by the physio therapist. It details activities for every hour of the day. I assume this will start tomorrow. This is part of helping her to have some structure on her time. This is when the real work will start.

Please continue to pray for her determination to continue the healing.

Thanks for your constant support in person and in spirit.


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