Picture perfect day. A bit of wind. Lots of joggers on the streets. Spring is here!. Jan went for a stroll in the park next to the hospital; well, she was in a whelchair. Encouraging signs of warmer whether at the time when Jan is feeling adapted to her new digs.
Many still don't know how to get there. Here is a link to a map and instructions on how to get to Bridgepoint Health:
Parking on Broadway is $1/Hr or you can park in the hospital parking lot at $2.25/Hr.
Best times to visit are Tuesdays, Fridays and weekends (11 to 8pm). The other days, Jan is in intensive training (physio, speech and occupational) and usually is tired at the end of the day. Because she is in a shared room for the time being, it is best not to bring large gift items for her.
My lesson for the day was: learn to live the actions of life, don't get stuck in the concepts. Jan is able to carry out longer conversations and her vocabulary continues growing by the minute. Her goal continues to be back on track as soon as possible.
She is looking forward to Easter, in particular Sunday, because she has had a resurrection herself.
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