Monday, May 08, 2006


Our front yard is a paradise. It has two trees in full bloom, Jan loves flowers, so this view was a heartwarming welcome home this weekend. These flowers reminded Jan of the power of life: how during the winter the trees look death, but given the right temperature, they become alive with such energy and glee.

Sunday was a slow day, Jan helped making breakfast (the toast and tea) and setting the table. She is walking basically without the walker. She can keep her balance on short distances and also can climb short flights of stairs. She still feels that she could lose her balance if she is not holding onto something.

Jan is on the way to recovery, but this will take a while. This is the time the brain requires to heal. She is far from where she was 6 weeks ago.

All this sound excellent, and it is! The challenge will be when Jan leaves the hospital at the end of the month, she will need rides to her classes and rides back. She will need some company during the day to do some basic chores. We will be very grateful for all the help we can get. I know that all of you are really busy -after all you live in the GTA- nevertheless, let us know of when or how you can help. Please send your name and your coordinates to



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