Friday, March 10, 2006

Jan was dancing in the corridor of Wing D5

Ever felt like dancing wherever the urge to dance hits you? Jan went for a wheelchair ride this evening with me. This counts as a date, and she owed me one.

She even changed her hospital gown for a pajamas and a Jan's blue house coat, put on her red hairband and off we went!. The corridors were deserted at this time, except for the occasional staffer, so I asked Jan if she wanted to dance with me. She smiled and rolled her eyes. I started singing the Impossible Dream, and gently turning her wheelchair chair. She had a big grin on her face... I remembered happy times.

We went to the cafeteria, bought some Italian wedding soup and fruit juice. We shared the soup. Every time I asked her if she liked it, she said: Ahhh!, Yes. It was so moving to see how much she appreciated this. When I asked her is she liked the dance, she cried. It must be so frustrating not to be able to do something as simple as dance. I felt humbled and ashamed for taking so many things for granted in my life.

Tonight, I felt very happy to dance with Jan. The next time you hear some music, please dance in Jan's honour and think about the blessing of being able to dance.



orestn said...

Woo-hoo Jan! The other night when me and J visited you, your leg was kicking as you slept. I bet you were dreaming of dancing a polka!

Unknown said...

Jan is so lucky to have you, Fede. Especially right now. Thanks for being there to help her mend her body and soul.