Monday, April 03, 2006

Statistics, prognosis and Jan

Tonight, Jan was relentless in her determination of living everyday as if it was the last or the first -depending on how you see life-. She had some visitors during the day, her parents, Donna, and someothers I could not identify from Jan's description: "a nice boy and a pretty".

We talked about the importance of telling the truth all the time, of keeping personal integrity by living up your word, of how much more rich is to be real than a fake, of how God does not hold you to your mistakes because he is merciful, of the memories she has of the events 2 hours before the aneurysm ruptured up to the point when the paramedics placed her inside of the ambulance, of what I had promised her last week, of the visits of Louise when Jan was unconscious, of how everyone of us though she was dead while she was talking to these other people hard to describe (amazing, isn't it? considering that the neurologists said repeatedly that she would not remember much of her stay in the hospital or two to three days before the hemorrhage). Jan is definitely in a crusade to challenge prognosis, statistics or any other generality about surviving a ruptured aneurysm.

She is doing her part and in her words: "I will be back to work in two or three months". The question is: how far will you walk in prayer with her?

best regards,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

In case this has not been discussed by others: You may want to think about encouraging Jan to journal about her experience, as a gift to all those who will suffer the same illness in the years to come. In the early days of her "accident", it was useful to all of us to be able to read personal accounts from others who had suffered a broken aneurysm (on the web site you pointed us to). And so, since Jan has such lucid memories of the experience, and since she IS a teacher after all, wouldn't it be a great gesture for her to share her experience with others, in her own words? I know that her ability to communicate is limited, but she can obviously relate her experience in good detail now. I hope that if she isn't already doing it, that she will consider recording the details of the experience. If she can't write or type it out, then a voice recorder of some type could be used until it can be typed out into a Word doc. I'm sure Jan will appreciate the value of sharing her experience, if she's ready to do it. It may also help lend structure and meaning to her daily life as well.

I read the blog often, and not one day goes by that I don't think of you, dear Jan!
